Auto Repair Blog
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The 2 best ways to fix small to medium scratches in your car
The 2 best ways to fix small to medium scratches in your carIn this auto repair blog, we cover the top 2 ways we've learnt over the years to fix those pesky scratches We've all been there, you come back from shopping and some inconsiderate so and so has knocked their...
5 signs you’re going bald | How to know you need new tyres | Mobile tyre replacement
When do I need new tyres?In this auto repair blog, we cover the big 5. Top 5 ways to tell that it's time to for a tyre replacement. A good set of tyres keeps your car on the road and safely heading to where you're going, a lack of tread can lead to skidding and in wet...
Pricing & Servicing
Due to the nature of mechanics and car parts being priced at different levels depending on age, make, model, and rarity of vehicle, prices can differ from vehicle to vehicle. To get a quote please use the button below to email us your requirements.
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